In the second of an ongoing series, I’m posting photos and related materials my co-author, Boisy Pitre, has received and archived during the research phase of our critically acclaimed book on Tandy’s (Radio Shack’s) Color Computer series, CoCo: The Colorful History of Tandy’s Underdog Computer. While the book itself contains quite a few exclusive images, naturally, there were many more that simply couldn’t fit. This is part 02 and is a companion to the Facebook page on the book.

Image from Frank Hogg showing a Mark Data Products booth.

Image from Frank Hogg showing an early ad.

Chris Burke of Burke & Burke. According to Chris, “I think the board in front is an EPROM programmer that I built for early XT-ROM shipments; I later switched to Disto’s programmer. In that case the tall board in back is an IBM PC MFM hard disk controller, from before the half-size boards were common.”

Burke & Burke. Trisha Burke (left), Stephanie McDaniel (middle), and Chris Burke (right).

RMS prototype (courtesy of Ellis Easley).

Another booth. According to Frank Hogg, “Carol Sprague in the booth, Bob Phillips from GMX talking to Rich Hogg.”

Frank Hogg: “Karen from FHL.”

Frank Hogg: “Bob Phillips of GMX; Rich Hogg did all the software, drivers, etc., for Flex and OS9 and Carol Sprague behind the table.”

VIDEOTEX scan of material in engineer Jerry Heep’s collection.

VIDEOTEX scan of material in engineer Jerry Heep’s collection.

VIDEOTEX scan of material in engineer Jerry Heep’s collection.

VIDEOTEX scan of material in engineer Jerry Heep’s collection.

VIDEOTEX scan of material in engineer Jerry Heep’s collection.

VIDEOTEX scan of material in engineer Jerry Heep’s collection.

VIDEOTEX scan of material in engineer Jerry Heep’s collection.
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