Anyone with children knows that there’s a period of time from between when they start crawling to roughly when they’re Preschool age that you need to “batten down the hatches” in your home. This includes moving electronics out of the way, putting fragile knick-knacks on a higher shelf, putting baby gates in strategic spots, putting in cabinet catches, and of course, making sure electrical outlets are properly covered. Some of those tasks are fairly painless, while others, like those horrible plastic outlet covers that are difficult for even adult hands to pull out, are not. The Shock Shutter aims to fix that annoyance.

The front of the package for the Shock Shutter.

The back of the package for the Shock Shutter.
The Shock Shutter is available in two different outlet designs, Decor and Duplex, each of which is available in White or Ivory. I’m reviewing the Duplex in White.
As you can see from the photos that follow, installation is simple. Remove the old outlet cover and put the new one in its place.

Our existing outlet cover with traditional outlet plugs. I hate those things.

The outlet plugs removed.

The old outlet cover removed.

The back of the Shock Shutter showing the black shutters. It’s designed in such a way that it only allows access when an actual electrical plug is inserted evenly into the outlet. Other objects will not get past these built-in shutters.

The Shock Shutter is now screwed in.

It takes some practice to get a plug to go in evenly to disable the shutter, but it’s still far easier than trying to remove those awful traditional plastic plug covers every time you want to plug something in. As you can see in this photo, I was able to get even a heavy duty three prong AC plug into the outlet.
Once installed, you’ll notice that the Shock Shutter juts out a bit more than traditional cover plates. Even with the slightly thicker footprint, it’s arguably still far more attractive than the plastic outlet plugs.
The Shock Shutter can be ordered direct from the manufacturer’s Website and are incredibly inexpensive at only $2.50 each. If you have a baby or are otherwise worried about outlet tampering and don’t want to be hassled by incredibly annoying plastic outlet covers, this is definitely something you should check out.
Thanks to Shock Shutter for the review unit.
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