Toy Shock shocked us all with the announcement of their Taiyo 12-in-1 3/4 scale pinball machine (aka, 21C Digital Pinball). It’s a digital and physical hybrid that has 12 games built-in, including Big Shot, El Dorado, Centrigrade 37, Black Hole, Jacks Open, Goin’ Nuts, Haunted House, Victory, Bone Busters, Lights..Camera..Action, Class of 1812, and TX Sector.
Although small, it looks like what many enthusiasts such as myself would want in terms of features, and at a price that’s a fraction of harder-to-maintain full-size units. You can pre-order it now at for $399.96, with availability supposedly around the first week of December. I’m skeptical, but I pre-ordered, and look forward to checking it out once actually released.

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