Another week, another firmware update from AtGames for the Legends Ultimate home arcade machine. This one adds some big features, including free local streaming from your own PC! There’s also a new one for the 2019 version of the Legends Flashback console, found here, which helps with APL connectivity with the arcade machine and also has some general UI improvements.
Here are the 3.0.8 firmware details for the Legends Ultimate, which you can install automatically from Settings:
– Added 4-player support with USB controllers, see details below
– Introduced Local Streaming feature, see details below
– Introduce Attract Mode (Screensaver) feature, see details below
– 4-player support using PS4/Xbox controllers. Must connect both controllers to a USB hub when add-on USB drive is present
PS4: Cross: [A], Circle: [B], R2: [C], Square: [X], Triangle: [Y], R1: [Z], PS: [Menu], Share: [Start], Options: [Insert Coin]
Xbox: A: [A], B: [B], RB: [C], X: [X], Y: [Y], LB: [Z], Guide: [Menu], Start: [Start], Back: [Insert Coin]

– Local Streaming feature requires the Windows ArcadeNetLink App to work
– Download the installer: visit, click on the local streaming icon to download the installer and the instructions
– Follow the instruction to install the App, log into your ArcadeNet account
– Go under BYOG tab on the arcade and select the new Local Server icon
– Settings > Attract Mode requires the user to be logged in and connected to the internet
– Sort Add-on and ArcadeNet games alphabetically
– Various UI updates
– General performance and stability improvements

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