AtGames has released more details on their upcoming Legends Pinball machine, which is part of the Legends Arcade Family of products running on the Legends Arcade Platform. You can check out the Legends Pinball web page here.
To summarize, it has 22 licensed Gottlieb pinball tables built-in, 60FPS performance, a huge 32″ HD playfield, a large 15.6″ LCD backglass, all kinds of connectivity and expansion options, the ability to play/add more tables and games, and more. All that, and it’s going to retail for just $599, with pre-orders starting mid-November for shipping at the end of December.

While competing virtual pinball machines from other companies have already been announced (with only one of the 3/4 scale Toy Shock machines actually already out), it looks like none of the others come close to the features, size, or scope of this machine.
The Facebook fan page has more info, and there’s even a dedicated Legends Pinball fan page. Both Facebook groups also have links to the various YouTube influencer videos that have even more information on this upcoming machine.

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