Rack up the Ws with these surefire tips
Getting that uber sweet Victory Royale may be somewhat of a tall order, but that doesn’t mean it’s not attainable. Besides, the difficulty of being the top dog makes the traditional victory dance all the more fun, enjoyable, and worthwhile. Hone your skills, maximize the damage output of your Fortnite weapons, and shop wisely at the Fortnite item shop, and you’ll be wel on your way to racking up the Ws.
To help you dominate your competition, here are a few surefire tips to reach those coveted Victory Royales. Good luck!
Utilize the Training Area
The training areaat the start of every game is there for a reason. Use it. After all, players can pick up all sorts of Fortnite weapons from the lobby. You might as well maximize your idle time and familiarize yourself with the nuances—whether subtle or not—of weapons other than your favorite ones. Remember, it pays to be a well-rounded player. Pretty soon you’ll master all sorts of weapons!
Maximize Pickaxe Use
Veteran Fortnite players undestand that like any war in the real world, confrontations in this game often boil down to who has the most resources to burn. With an indestructible melee weapon in your hand, you can lay waste to practically everything in sight and gather copious amounts of invaluable resources. Whether it’s brick, metal, or wood, just keep hoarding them because you’ll need to routinely build walls, ramps, and all manner of defensive forts.
Builb, Build, Build
On that note, it’s onwards to building mode. This is what separates Fortnite from other games in the Battle Royale genre. And building skills are what separates great Fortnite players from so-so ones. It’s good to have sharp reflexes and on-point shooting skills, but it should go beyond that. Your survival oftentimes depends on your building abilities.
Health is Wealth
You’d do well to keep repeating this golden mantra in your head. As all sorts of consumables will be available for you to pick up, you’d do yourself a favor by prioritizing the ones that actually further your chances of winning. With that in mind, make sure to pick up restorative health items like med kits, bandages, shield potions, chug jugs, and slurp juices.
Know Your Enemy
Sure, it’s fun to go all-out with guns a-blazing, but the fact of the matter is that it isn’t such an effective method—especially if you’re seriously gunning for a Victory Royale. Fun, yes. Effective, no. Remember that knowing is half the battle. You can’t rely on sheer instinct alone. You also need a cerebral approach to things. Knowing your both the strength and weaknesses of your enemies can help you formulate a foolproof plan of approach.

Snipers – While they are top-notch long-range assassins, they are quite vulnerable at close range.
Shotguns – Utterly devastating up close, but can be inefficient when wielded by passive players.
Assault Rifles – Perhaps the most versatile weapons in all of Fortnite, ARs are deadly both up close and from a distance. On top of that, some even come with scopes, so beware! You’ll need to be on-point and use skill and subterfuge to best foes with a proclivity for ARs.
Submachine Guns – These bad boys can literally rain fire on the unwary player in a eritable snap. But as fast as it may be in unloading shots, they’re rather mediocre in long distance situations. Keep your distance!
Pistols – Confrontations aren’t always limited to long or short distances. For firefights that fall in the “in-between” category, pistols are the obvious weapon of choice. The downside to them is they don’t pack enough punch for up-close battles. Bridge the gap and unleash your fury!
Rocket and Grenade Launchers – Say hello to a Fornite player’s (not-so) little friend! Even forts and buildings can be decimated with these so they obviously have a ton of stopping power. Be that as it may, the clumsy player can bring himself or herself down with it as well.
And with those tips, we wish you good luck! May you have all the Fortnite weapons you want from the Fortnite item shop, and may you decimate would-be opponents with ease. So what are you waiting for? Start shooting and start shooting for that elusive Victory Royale!
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