A lead generation process is a group of activities in which companies identify and cultivate their potential customers. A few reasons for you not getting enough leads on LinkedIn are.
1) Optimize Your Profile
You will never be able to find any potential customers if your profile is not optimized correctly. Optimizing your account for the right keywords is necessary because if your profile does not tell your customers what you provide, no one will come to you. In case you do not know how to do it, no worries. Here is an article on how you can get LinkedIn lead gen via Bumped.
2) Set Right Location
Let us say you live in area A1 but, your business is in area A2. Which zip code are you using on your profile? If you would not use your business address, then you will miss your potential customers because customers search for services in their area and the address in your profile is misrepresenting you.
3) Are You Connected?
No one can find you comfortably if you have limited connections. Yes, on LinkedIn, if someone looks for you, he can discover your profile but, what about those who are not specifically looking for you? They do not know you, but they need your services. Make yourself visible by connecting with more people so more potential customers can find you.
4) Link your website
What kind of business are you if you do not have a website? If you have a website, why are you not including it in your LinkedIn profile? Your website reveals the real face of your business, so include it in your profile. People trust more if they see you are an authenticated business.

5) Create Domain-Specific Content
People have questions that they want to ask those who are experts in their domain. You should hire an expert who writes Domain-Specific content and connect with people. If people find their answers from you, they will come to you as your customers.
6) Connect With the Right People
As discussed earlier, you need to connect with as many people as you can, but do not just randomly connect to people. Connect with the right people because you are not getting any benefits if your connections are not interested in your product.
7) Show Your Expertise
If you are a small business owner, write your education and write it all down until your final job experience. You did not become a business owner right when you were born. Were you? So show them your expertise and tell them you can do what they need you to do.
8) Get Recommended
If your business profile has no recommendations after you have been in business for a long time, why would people trust you! People believe you if someone will tell them that you are good at what you do by your previous clients or customers. By the way, Your LinkedIn profile is not considered 100% completed if you do not have at least three recommendations.
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