The amazing Evercade platform, which features consoles, handhelds, and a wide variety of game cartridges, often with multiple games, continues to grow. You can find the link to the Google Sheets master list of Evercade games here. This version is current as of December 8, 2023 (now, December 14 – see the update below), and includes the addition of the as-yet-unreleased THE64 Collection 3, which was just announced.

December 14, 2023 Update: With the breaking announcement of Indie Heroes Collection 3, the non-unlockable game count is now 476 across 53 total cartridges. When you include The Capcom Collection on the EXP and the games on the two Super Pocket handhelds, which has some overlap with The Capcom Collection, you get 524 total games, not going those you can unlock or the monthly freebies.
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