Since first announcing a “dedicated games platform with a brand new concept,” code-named, NX, back on March 17, 2015, Nintendo has released precious little info about their newest system. Still presumably on track for a worldwide March 2017 release, it was high time for Nintendo to release some actual info beyond the next Zelda game seeing concurrent release on both that and the stillborn Wii U.
While I’ve speculated endlessly since the announcement and made my opinions known about how the system might work, etc., which you can refer to here, it’s all been just that, speculation. Although there’s not much detail, Nintendo has at least finally let us know basic functionality, and yes, the name, Nintendo Switch, which plays into the hybrid system’s dual (and beyond) nature many of us have been quite sure was going to come into play (in short, a single platform to replace both the Wii U and 3DS).
And here’s the video (ignore the painful attempt at being “hip”):
From Nintendo’s own description:
Introducing Nintendo Switch! In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, the Nintendo Switch system also enables gamers to play the same title wherever, whenever and with whomever they choose. The mobility of a handheld is now added to the power of a home gaming system to enable unprecedented new video game play styles.

Nintendo Switch docked for TV play. Freedom to play anywhere and in the way you like seems to be the driving force behind the new system.
As expected, what we’ll get is a true portable with removable controls for multiplayer action that can be docked for normal console play on a big screen. Good stuff, and definitely a nice differentiator from the competition (although man, those removable portable controllers do look a bit tiny). I think it’s safe to say that we’ll have a legitimate – and healthy – three way console race again. I think Nintendo will once again become exciting to gamers beyond their core fan base.
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