The 1990s really were the best decade when it comes to video games. The games that were released that year transformed the entire industry, and it also led to huge releases that would go down in history.
Millennials will never feel the pure joy experienced by Generation X the first time we fed our quarters into these tall titans at the video arcade, or when we loaded them (slowly) into our home video gaming consoles. While the new generation has access to tons of tools (like gambling online with their smartphones), maybe their malaise is due to simply having too much tech.
The following list celebrates the legendary video titles which started it all, hallowed be their names.
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong is one of the best platformers to this day. It’s held up to both nostalgic and contemporary standards, not to mention that it’s a full series too. Who knows how they came up with the idea for this, but either way, it’s certainly gone down a hit and that’s one of the many reasons why it has ended up making this list.
Mortal Kombat
The 90s really was the golden age for fighting games. The first few releases were loud and offensive. Some of them were even controversial too, but that being said, it’s still a huge game today. There have been tons of remakes released and some of them have gone on to become huge hits.
Another World
This game is also known as being “Out of this World” in the US. It’s entitled “Outer World” in Japan. Either way, it doesn’t really matter what you call it, because Another World is insanely weird and it is very imaginative too. It’s a curiously beautiful game and it is able to give you a complete cinematic experience unlike any other. If you have never played this game, then now is certainly the time for you to give it a go. You won’t be disappointed at all!
F-Zero X

This game series is fast and challenging, but it has certainly gained a lot of traction over the years. F-Zero-X is a complete sensory overload and it’s also able to offer a fantastic gaming experience too. You’ll feel like you’re flying a thousand miles an hour and it’s quite hard to get used to the controls too. The textures can be a little horrible at times so make sure that you keep that in mind if you decide to load it up.
Street Fighter
Street Fighter is actually played professionally all across the world. Street Fighter is very popular, and it has a strong claim when it comes to the best fighting game ever released. It’s also spurred the release of tons of other similar games too, which has helped it to solidify its legacy as being one of the best games of the 90s.
Metal Gear 2
This game release showed the first inkling of insanity for Kojima’s future. It’s a relatively straightforward stealth game but the plot at the time was pretty radical when you look at it as a whole. It’s still being talked about to this day and it’s also gained quite a lot of publicity over the years for some of the more controversial choices in the game. Of course, if you have never played this game before then you should certainly give it a go because it’s a great experience with plenty of action.
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
As mentioned above, the 90s was the golden age for fighting games. It was also a great era for flying simulators too. Sure, it’s limited by some generational graphics but it’s actually pretty expansive and fast at the same time. It has a lot to offer and it’s surprising to see how far it has come over the years. If you’re a fan of the Star Wars series, then this is one that you’re going to absolutely love.
Diablo was released in the year 1996 and it’s an excellent game It’s brought to you by Blizzard and the very first time you play it, you’ll be thrown into an immersive experience unlike any other. The only real issue with this game is that it has absolutely no replay value, which is a shame. Some of the games that come after it do, and this is one of the many reasons why they stand out when compared to the rest of the series.
Roller Coaster Tycoon
RCT quite frankly, deserves to be on this list. People would often clock over 200 hours playing this game., as it’s just that engrossing. Sure, it did offer some steep learning curves, but it’s quirky and enjoyable. It also paved the way for other SIM type games.
Sure, this might not be the BEST sports game ever released, but it made this list because it is actually one of the most influential. It’s certainly made an impact on the gaming industry and there are so many people who look back on it with fond memories.
Final Fantasy V
Square had a run in the 90s with the Final Fantasy Series. This is the stuff that legends are made out of, and it also went on to spur a lot of success for the series. It looks great and the graphics are stunning when you take into account the advancements that had been made at the time. Nothing can quite compare to it, and you’ll also find that it’s on a lot of people’s top lists.
Mario Kart 64
This is quite possibly the best Mario Kart to be released, other than Mario Kart 8. Sure, at times it can be frustrating, and this is especially the case when you find yourself flying off the track and into oblivion. That being said, the game has a lot to offer and it is safe to say that it has come a long way since the initial release.
Super Smash Mario Brothers
Super Smash Mario Brothers really is an insane concept for any game. It’s safe to say that only Nintendo would be able to pull this off. It’s a game that made careers, and it has gone down in history as being one of the most fun games to ever be released. So many people talked about this release when it came out and they are still talking about it to this day.
So, the 90s really were full of awesome games that went on to change the future of the industry forever. Which games are your favourite?
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