THEA500® Mini game list has been announced. While you can easily add your own games through the famous WHDLoad method, it’s always nice to have onboard, licensed games that are good representatives of the platform in question.
THEA500 Mini is styled after the most popular Commodore Amiga model, the 500, and is similar to the THEC64 Mini (Commodore 64 or C-64-inspired) in that it’s a compact plug and play console and not a more fuller-featured version of the original Amiga computers, although you can add your own USB keyboard. Of course, the same company also released the full-size version of THEC64 with a real working keyboard, so we definitely anticipate the same thing happening on the Amiga side of the equation at some point, which will be great even for those us who still maintain original hardware.
Here’s the list of 25 included games on THEA500 Mini along with links to each of the MobyGames entries for your reference:
- Alien Breed 3D
- Alien Breed: Special Edition 92
- Another World (aka, Out of this World)
- Arcade Pool
- ATR: All Terrain Racing
- Battle Chess
- Cadaver
- California Games
- Dragons Breath (aka, Dragon Lord)
- F-16 Combat Pilot
- Kick Off 2
- Paradroid 90
- Pinball Dreams
- Project-X: Special Edition 93
- Qwak
- Simon the Sorcerer
- Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
- Stunt Car Racer (aka, Stunt Track Racer)
- Super Cars II
- The Chaos Engine (aka, Soldiers of Fortune)
- The Lost Patrol (aka, Lost Patrol)
- The Sentinel (aka, The Sentry)
- Titus the Fox (aka, Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back)
- Worms: The Director’s Cut
- Zool: Ninja Of The ”Nth” Dimension (aka, Zool)

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