Valve has released a new patch for the Dota 2 Vulkan Bet. Game update 7.31c contains several notable changes and also adds the Stockholm Major Fantasy to the game. Here’s what you need to know about the latest update.
Fantasy for the Major
The most important thing about the latest Dota 2 update is the ability to play Fantasy Dota. Players will need to earn packs of cards, unlock them and choose their daily line-up. After completing these steps, players will receive 4/3/2/1 fantasy levels depending on the performance of their line-up.
Valve has decided to give users a free Lineage Treasure for every 4th Fantasy level. As for packs of cards, you can win one for the first win of each day. Of course you can also get something in return by buying them or joining the live esports bet clubs.
Neutral creeps and items
There are various nuances here that will make life a lot harder for some heroes. The warrior skeletons of the Dark Troll Summoner now have 0 armour. In addition, the ability that allows him to cast this spell now has two extra seconds of cooldown, and its duration is 35 seconds.
The harpy scout is also ideal, as this unit now provides 1200/800 vision instead of 1800/1800. In addition, the maximum mana consumption per second for takeoff is now 4%.
As for items, there are a few interesting changes. The first is Desolator, an item that every Templar Assassin player will get sooner or later. In patch 7.31c the maximum number of Soul Stealer stacks is 20 instead of 25.

Interestingly, Eye of Skadi now slows down less than before, but takes away more attack speed.
Another item that has undergone some changes is the Wraith Pact. After the update, the item’s aura is now 1200, the damage reduction from Reprise is 30%, and the DPS from Reprise is 30. In addition, the Lifesteal effect has increased from 15% to 18% and mana regeneration from 1.75 to 2.
Judging by the changes, we’ll probably see this hero a lot more often, since Blood Mist got three buffs. When BS gets the shard, self-injury becomes magical rather than pure. The shard also:
- increasing the damage;
- damage dealt to enemies, by 7%;
- reducing duration to 3 seconds.
Knight of Chaos
CK has proven himself to be one of the best core players in the current metagame. His late game potential makes him a dangerous opponent. After the changes, the bonus damage of CK’s Chaos Shard of Courage has dropped from 300 to 150. Also, Chaos Shard no longer deals bonus damage to creeps and Roshan heroes.
Crystal Maiden
CM is a support hero that will always have a place in the metagame. Valve decided to beef up the frost field. The ability has a 320 damage radius, a 40% movement speed slowdown, and an action time of 90 seconds.
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