If you want to become better at FPS games quickly then this guide will help you to drastically improve your aim so you can get a higher score while spending less time on the respawn screen.
Know your Weaknesses
A lot of gamers spend hours practising their aim so they can be faster and more efficient when on the battlefield. The issue with this is that you also need to be analysing what is causing the inconsistency with your aim. Do you have slow reflexes? Maybe you have a hard time tracking your enemy’s movements. Either way, you have to try and find out what is wrong so you can then take steps to improve your gaming experience overall. Don’t find excuses for any shots that you might have missed and instead, think about why you did not hit the enemy. A lot of FPS games come with a death camera and this gives you a replay, so you can find out why you did not come out with the kill. If you love FPS games then it’s more than possible for you to get engaged in the idea of combat, through airsoft. It’s a great way for you to team up with your friends and it’s an incredibly safe way for you to flex your skills. If you want to try that out for yourself then you can find some of the most high quality airsoft brands here.
Tweak the Sensitivity
Another thing that you need to do is try and tweak the sensitivity of your mouse if you can. If you find yourself moving your mouse too much when you are trying to aim then this could be working against you. If you speak to any professional gamer they will tell you that they try out various sensitivities before they find something that works for them, and it’s something that you should try as well, especially if you are remotely serious about your gaming experience. Having a higher sensitivity gives you the chance to make very quick turns in the game environment but if you have a low sensitivity then this will give you more accuracy when the time comes for you to lock in on your target.
Fix your Crosshair
One of the main issues with players that struggle with poor aim is the positioning of their crosshairs. Aiming is the best way for you to give up points in any FPS game. If you are a serious gamer then your crosshair should be aimed higher than you think, toward the enemy’s head. Remember that your gun will most likely move up when you begin firing too, so be mindful of this and make sure that you are always accounting for recoil. Some guns have more recoil than others, and if you are using a gun with high recoil, you will need to aim slightly lower. If you are using a sniper then you will need to account for bullet drop in some games, as gravity influences the final landing place for the shot.
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