It is no secret that Final Fantasy’s flagship game is its seventh installment to the long-standing series. The original Final Fantasy 7 was a stellar addition to Square Enix’s lineup and went on to promote the company on a global scale. Ripples of which we see to date. To milk their success a lot more, and by giving in to popular demand, SE decided to remake FF7 by augmenting it with an advanced engine and gorgeous graphics. By doing so, the game went from a 16-bit RPG to a full-fledged AAA title that gave the PS5 a run for its money.
With the first part of the FF7 remake trilogy already having enjoyed massive success worldwide, we now have the second part right around the corner ready to be gobbled up by Final Fantasy fans upon release. If you don’t plan to buy the game or want to catch up on the story before making a judgment call to buy the game, we’ve scrunched together the story so far of Cloud Strife and his merry band of misfits as they continue fighting the good fight in Midgar and beyond.
Since the game is a massive single player story that is rich with fights, adventure, and characters, it’s no surprise that there is a lot to download if you’ve bought the digital version. In order to expedite the installation process and get you right into the game, we’d recommend hooking up with AT&T Customer Service and availing their internet service. Not only does doing this free you from the headache of spending days downloading the game but it also provides you with affordable deals & discounts on a monthly basis.
So come on along and let’s dive into the progress already made by the story and all the delicious details that have been revealed along with chunky teasers of the second game that have made their way online.
AVALANCHE and Sector 7
Most of the first game’s story revolves around the (terrorist) group AVALANCHE and their home base setup in Sector 7. AVALANCHE consists of Cloud Strife, an ex-SOLDIER who wants to go after the people who wronged him, Barrett, the leader of the terrorist group, and a guy who would go to the ends of the world for his daughter [Ref]. The others are Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie, who can be called supporting characters in the grand plan.
FF7 remake’s first game involves the group fighting against Shinra with the sole purpose of taking down the toxic patriarchy that cares little about the people from the world below. Through the course of the story, Sector 7 is singled out as the reason behind the destruction being wrought against the government and thus Cloud and his merry band are hunted down as they uncover sinister activities.
Deviance from the Original Timeline
Apparently, even if the story deviates from the one introduced in the original 1997 game, Aerith and Sephiroth seem to know the events of the first timeline. If the remake stuck to the story of the original, Sephiroth would have never made an appearance, as he is never included in the starting Midgar section. But Cloud gets hallucinations of Sephiroth and the destruction he is capable of in the very beginning stages of the game.
Likewise, Aerith seems to know many of the events that precede her in the story. It is possible that due to Sephiroth and Aerith being connected to the Lifestream, the very energy that powers the Planet, they know what transpires in different timelines. Especially the one from the original game. Even when the player tells Aerith something that she knows is going to happen, she tends to brush it off like it’s nothing out of the ordinary.
Zack (The OG) Is Still Alive
Long before the events of FF7, there was a particular Zack Fair who, through his many antics as a determined SOLDIER and a true warrior, won the hearts of players who got to experience his story on their PSPs. Many of you would know that Zack heartbreakingly perished at the end of Crisis Core, giving his Buster Sword to a disgruntled Cloud who eventually recovered and lived on.
The brilliant twist in FF7 remake is that Zack is alive and well and is going through his own journey as the original gang treads on towards the outskirts of Midgar. It’ll be interesting to see how the group merges with Zack and if Aerith remembers anything about him. Whatever the case, Square Enix sure has gotten our hopes up.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is going to be picking up steam with its second installment well on its way to Sony’s PS5 and probably PC, later on, but there’s still quite a lot of detail to digest if you played through the game just once or twice. Plus, with a sizeable chunk of the story progressing through FF7’s DLC, it’d be worth getting yourself up to speed on the story thus far before you dive into the big continuation.
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