With its vast array of different betting options, its multiphase gameplay structure as well as its unique terminology, the game of craps has earned a reputation as one of the most complex casino games out there. The multifaceted dynamics of the game, coupled with the importance of understanding the mathematical probabilities involved with rolling dice, puts many potential players off, with many choosing to simply ignore what is an exciting and social game. Starting from the very basics, let’s take a closer look at craps, lifting the veil on the rules and strategies of this thrilling game to help you play like a pro.
The basic rules of craps
On the face of it, craps is a relatively simple game with gameplay revolving around players rolling a pair of dice and betting on the outcome. While there is a whole host of different betting scenarios to explain, let’s first go through the basic game pathway:
- The ‘come out roll’
This is the first move of the game and involves the first player with the dice in their hand, known as the shooter, rolling.
If they roll 7 or 11, then it’s an instant win, if they roll 2,3 or 12 then it’s an instant loss. If the sum of the die is any other number, then a point is established.
- The ‘point’ is established
The shooter must then roll the same number again before they roll 7.
If they succeed, the shooter wins and gets to shoot again in another ‘come out roll.’
However, if they fail and roll 7 before the making the ‘point’, the shooter loses, and the dice are handed over to the next player.
This, essentially, is how craps works – it seems simple. So, where does the infamous complexity and mystery surrounding craps come from? For most, it is the range of different bets that can be placed during gameplay.
Betting on craps
Pass line
The most popular bet to place when playing craps, the pass line bet involves players wagering on the shooter rolling 7 or 11 before 2, 3, or 12. A pass line bet is successful if the dice land on 7 or 11 and is unsuccessful if 2,3 or 12 is rolled. If the sum of the dice is any other number, the bet stays active on the craps table until the next point. With a house edge of 1.41%, the pass line is one of the safest bets to make.
Don’t pass line
This is the inverse of the pass line, with players winning when 2 or 3 is rolled and losing on 7 or 11. If 12 falls, the bet is pushed, meaning a player will only win if no other numbers reappear before the 7.
On the face of it, the come bet appears similar to the pass line, leading to many beginners confusingly asking what is the craps come bet. The difference is that the come bet can only be placed after the come out roll once the point has been determined. Here, a successful bet occurs if a shooter lands 7 or 11 before making the point.
Don’t come
Much like the don’t pass line bet, the don’t come is the reverse of the come bet with mirroring rules regarding the throw of 12.
The field bet is a single roll bet that can be placed at any time during the game. A player wins if a 3,4,9,10, or 11 is rolled, while they lose if 5,6,7, or 8 appear. To add even more excitement, a player doubles their winnings on a 2 while tripling them on a 12.
With 0% house edge, these bets are often used when players are looking to play it safe. An odds bet can only be placed after a pass line or come bet has already been put down and a player placing this bet is wagering that the shooter will roll 7 before a specific point has been thrown.

These six betting scenarios are the most popular and effective tools beginners can use to get into the game. However, there are a whole host of additional bets to discover as you develop your craps skills. There is no need to fret, though. Learning the bets discussed here allows you to learn the ropes of the game, from which you can then develop.
Effective betting strategies
If understanding the rules is the first step and getting accustomed to the bets comes next, the last step for new players is to learn the different tactical approaches that can be used when at the table. With an abundance of strategies out there, finding the one that suits you best is essential to maximize your winnings and make you feel like James Bond when at the casino. Considering this, let’s approach the game from two differing angles.
Strategy 1: Pass line and come bets with odds
Considered one of the most foolproof strategies out there, this craps method is ideal for beginners trying to develop their game. By employing this strategy, a player ignores the place, field, and proposition betting zones on the craps board, instead focusing on the pass line and come zones while placing full odds to lower the house advantage. While the strategy does not technically increase your chance of being successful with your bet, potential winnings are maximized if 7 or 11 are rolled.
Strategy 2: The 6-8 Strategy
Alternatively, a player can disregard the pass line completely, instead using place bets to wager on the shooter rolling a specific number. Knowing that a place bet wins when that number is rolled, a player using this strategy will place bets on either 6 or 8. While place bets usually hold a strong house advantage, 6 and 8 are only marginally greater than come and pass line bets. While more complex than the first, this strategy offers the chance for bigger wins and is something for new players to investigate.
There is no denying that craps can be a complex game, but that should not put players off. In fact, the elaborate nature of the game it what keeps it so fresh and exciting. The information outlined here provides all the tools a player needs to uncover the mystery surrounding craps and start enjoying this famous game.
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