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Whether the analog thumbsticks on your Microsoft Xbox One controller are worn, or you’re just looking for a different feel, Hardcore (HC) GamerLife offers a choice of four different pairs of silicone grips that just might be the solution you probably didn’t even know was available. No matter what grip selection you make, they all slip on easily over one or both of the analog sticks.

The HC Gamerlife Xbox One Thumbstick Grip packaging is consistent across all models.
The four grip types, which I’ll explain in more detail below, are:
Gripmax Close Combat
These grips are said to be tuned for games where quick snap aiming and fast reaction times are needed. Examples cited include: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Madden NFL 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. The design is concave (curves inward) with four precision texture points (raised dots).

The Gripmax Close Combat.
Gripmax Sniper Combat
These grips are taller and are said to increase sensitivity and accuracy. Example games cited include: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Sniper Elite III, and Forza Motorsport 5. The design is concave (curves inward) with four precision texture points (raised dots).

The Gripmax Sniper Combat.
No Sweat Close Combat
Like the regular model of Close Combat, these are meant for games that favor snap aiming and quick reactions. The design is convex (curves outward) with many texture points (raised dots), which are meant to prevent sweaty thumbs from creating a slick surface.

The No Sweat Close Combat.
No Sweat Sniper Combat
Like the regular model of Sniper Combat, these taller grips are meant for games that need increased sensitivity and accuracy. Like the other No Sweat model, the design is convex (curves outward) with many texture points (raised dots).

The No Sweat Sniper Combat.
Each grip is priced on Amazon from $12.99 – $13.99.

If you buy more than one model, mixing and matching then becomes an interesting option.
So what do I think? These all more or less do exactly what they say they do. However, controller feel is intensely personal, so some will find that one or more of these pairs of grips will help their game(s), while others will simply find them a hindrance. If you think you may be in the former group, these are definitely worth a try, with quality construction and design, as well as reasonable pricing. I know I’ll be strategically working the use of these into my own game library, because with my elder statesman status, i.e., 40+, I can use all the gaming help I can get. In fact, I’ll probably even experiment with mixing and matching the grips.
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