The ZX Vega, aka, Sinclair Spectrum Vega, is a crowd funded, consolized interpretation of the legendary British ZX Spectrum computer. Instead of going with a full reproduction (like this, which I should be receiving soon), the ZX Vega provides the bare minimum physical interface to gaming.

Photo of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Vega from the Retro Computers Facebook page.
Among the ZX Vega’s nice features is the fact that it comes with 1,000 licensed titles, though of course you can add any that are missing via the SD card slot. Even though the £100 + delivery cost is rather high for what is essentially a TV game console, it’s still hard to argue with the kind of value it brings to the table. Although the ZX Spectrum is a decidedly primitive computer, particularly if you’re used to vintage American systems, there are still plenty of gems in its generous library. As always, despite owning plenty of Spectrum-series computers myself and being on the list for the aforementioned Bluetooth keyboard reproduction, I have to admit I’m tempted to eventually get this one as well.
Since I haven’t seen the list of 1,000 games posted anywhere other than on Facebook, I thought I would take the time to reproduce the list here for easy reference (I converted the straight text list to an HTML table of 250 games per column):
1999 | Elvin the Elf | Moggy Adventure | Stuart Henry’s Pop Quiz |
2088 | Emilio Butragueno Football | Mole on the Dole | Subacuatic |
1994 – Ten Years After | Emilio Sanchez Grand Slam | Mole Rat! | Subacuatic Reloaded |
20-20 Vision | Encyclopedia of War | Molemania | Submariner |
3D Noughts & Crosses – V1 | End Zone | Monono | Sudoku |
3D Noughts & Crosses – V2 | Endless Forms Most Beautiful | Monty is Innocent | Sumer |
3D-Tanx | Endurance | Monty on the Run | Sun Star |
A Bomb Under Parliament | Engineer Humpty | More Tea, Vicar? | SunBucket |
A Day in the Life of Arnold | Eric & the Floaters | Morris Meets the Bikers | Super Brat |
A Dungeon Romp | Escape | Mothership | Super Cars |
A Harvesting Moon | Escape From Hodgkins’ Manor | Motor Massacre | Super Scramble Simulator |
A Hero for Sorania | Espionage Island | Motorcycle 500 | Super Sports |
A Legacy For Alaric | ETa | Mountie Mick’s Death Ride | SuperCom |
A Serpentine Tale | Everyone’s A Wally | Mr. Wong’s Loopy Laundry | Superkid |
A Stroll in the Bleak Forest | Evil Realm | MultiDude | Superkid in Space |
A Touch Too Much | Excalibur: Sword of Kings | Munch Man | Swettibitz in Space |
A Visit to Trev and Carol’s | Extreme | Munchman | Switchblade |
A.T.A.C. | F.I.R.E. | Murder – He Said | Sword of Bhakhor |
ACE 2088 | Factory Daze | Murder Hunt | Swordfight at Midnight |
Advent | Faerie | Murder Hunt 2 | Swords of Bane |
Adventure In Bristol | Fahrenheit 3000 | Murder Mystery Weekend | Tank Command |
Adventures of a Common Frog | Farmer Jack 1 | Music Maker | Target |
Afteroids | Farmer Jack 2 | Mutan Zone | Tax Returns |
Agatha’s Folly | Farmer Jack 3 | Mutant Monty | Tears of the Moon |
Ahhh!! | Feline Fancy | Mutant Monty 2 | Techno Cop |
Aladdin’s Cave | Find the Mate | Mutiny | Teenage Emergency |
Albatrossity | Finders Keepers | Mystery of the Indus Valley | Ten Green Bottles |
Alien Destroyer | Firestorm | Myth | Ten Pin Challenge |
Alien Evolution | Firewolf | N.E.I.L. Android | Tenebra Macabre |
Alien Insects | Fistful Of Necronomicons | Nato Assault | Terraform |
Alien Maze | Flameout | Necks Please | Terry’s Travels |
Alien Research Centre | Flight Simulation | Nemo’s Island | The 12 Days of Xmas |
All In A Day’s Work | Flight Simulator | Nervos This Position | The 39 Steps |
All Present and Correct | Flippit | Nifty Lifty | The Abbey of Death |
Alter Ego | Floarea Soarelui | Night Stalker | The Adventures of Crusoe |
Alter Ego 2: Dreamwalker | Football Frenzy | Nightwing | The Adventures Of Robin Hood |
Amaze | Football Glory | Nim | The Adventures of Sinbad |
An Everyday Tale… | Footballer of the Year | Ninja Hamster | The Amulet Of Dareth |
Angler | Footballer of the Year 2 | Ninjajar | The Apprentice |
Another Brick on the Wall | For Pete’s Sake | No 1 | The Armageddon Man |
Another Brick on the Wall 2 | Forbidden Planet | Norman | The Bardic Rite |
Apple Jam | Force Fighter | Norman’s Lament | The Beast of Torrack Moor |
April 7th | Forest of Evil | North Star | The Beginning Of The End |
Aquasquad | Formula One | Nosferatu the Vampyre | The Bermuda Triangle |
Archaic | Four Minutes To Midnight | Nous | The Black Tower |
Army Moves | Frank N Stein Rebooted | Nth Zone | The Blackskull Mountains |
Arnhem | Frank the Flea | Nuclear Countdown | The Challenge |
Arnold The Adventurer | Frankenstein | Number Six In The Village | The Chard |
Arnold The Adventurer II | Fred | Ocean Racer | The Charm |
Arnold The Adventurer III | Freddy Hardest | Oddball | The Citadel |
Artura | Frightmare | Odyssey 1 | The Cloak |
Astroblasters | Frog 5 | Office Space | The Crown Of Lithrune |
Astronomer | From Out Of A Dark Night Sky | Olli & Lissa II: Halloween | The Crystal of Chantie |
Astro-Wars | Frost Byte | Olympics | The Crystal Of Kings |
Atic Atac | Fuddo And Slam | On Reflection | The Cup |
Auf Wiedersehen Monty | Future Knight | On the Oche | The Curse Of Calutha |
Aunt Velma | Galactians | On the Run | The Curse of Nimue |
Aurascope | Galactic Gunners | One Day Cricket | The Dark Tower |
Aussie Rules – V1 | Galactic Invasion | One Hundred and Eighty! | The Darkest Road |
Aussie Rules – V2 | Galactic Jail Break | One Of Our Wombats Is Missing | The Dogboy |
Automonopoli | Galactic Patrol | Operation Hormuz | The Domes Of Sha |
Autorennen | Galaxy Attack | Orion | The Double |
Avenger | Galaxy Fighter | Orpheus in the Underworld | The Dragonstar Trilogy |
Aztec Assault | Game Over II | Outcast | The Duct |
Babaliba | Game Without A Name | Overkill | The Egg |
Back to Skool | GBA Championship Basketball | Pandemonia | The Elfin Wars |
Backgammon – Version 1 | Gee Bee Air Rally | Parabola | The Ellisnore Diamond |
Backgammon – Version 2 | Gem Chaser | Paradise in Microdot | The Emerald Elf |
Ballbreaker | Gem Chaser 2 | Paris Dakar | The Enchanted Cottage |
Ballbreaker II | Gerry the Germ | Pass Your Driving Test | The Energem Enigma |
Balowwwn! | Get Me To The Church On Time | Paws | The Envelope |
Balrog And The Cat | Ghost Castle | Pegasus | The Escaping Habit |
Balrog’s Day Out | Glug Glug | Pegasus Bridge | The Extricator |
Bananaby | Gobbleman | Pendragon | The Eye of Bain |
Banger Management | Gods of War | Periscope Up | The Final Chorus |
Bargain Basement | Goku Mal | Personal Computer Whirled! | The Final Demand |
Battery’s Not Precluded | Gold Mine | Pets vs Aliens Prologue | The Final Frontier |
Battleships – Version 1 | Gold or Glory | Petulant Poogslay | The Fire Ruby |
Battleships – Version 2 | Golf | Phantomas at the Museum | The Forest Stop |
Battleships – Version 3 | Gommy, Medieval Defender | Phantomas Saga: Infinity | The Fury |
Beatle Quest | Gonzalezz | Phantomas Tales #1 | The General |
Behind Closed Doors | Goody | Phantomas Tales #4 | The Golden Apple |
Behind Closed Doors 2 | GOR | Phantomasa 2 | The Golden Locket |
Behind Closed Doors 3 | Gravibots | Phoenix | The Golden Pyramid |
Behold Atlantis | Grebit | Pi in the Sky | The Gordello Incident – Intro |
BeTiled! | Grid Master | Pi There | The Great Detective |
Beyond Eldorado | Grid Patrol | Pi-Balled | The Green Death |
Big Ben Strikes Again | Grid Trap | Pi-Eyed | The Hammer Of Grimmold |
Bismarck | Ground Zero | Piggy | The Hit |
Black Beard | Grumpy Gumphrey | Pi-In’Ere | The House |
Black Sun | Gunboat | Pimania | The Infiltrator |
Blastermind! | Gunfighter | Pimeval Man | The Invisible Invader |
Blind Panic | Gunfright | Pizza Bar | The Islands Of Sinbad |
Blink | Gunpowder, Treason and Plot | Planet of Death | The Jade Necklace |
Blitz | Gutz | Planet of Shades | The Khangrin Plans |
Blood Valley | H.A.T.E. | Planetoids | The Krazy Kartoonist Kaper |
BMX Ninja | H.R.H. | Potty Pigeon | The Labours Of Hercules |
Bog Of Brit | Hades Nebula | Pride of the Federation | The Last Mission |
Boid | Halls of the Things | Pro Golf – Pebble Beach | The Last Mohican |
Bomb Ed | Handy Andy | Pro Golf II – Royal Lytham | The Last Vampire |
Bomber | Hard Cheese | Pro Mountain Bike Simulator | The Legacy |
Bombscare | Harry Hare’s Lair | Professional Soccer | The Little Wandering Guru |
Bonkers | Haunted House | Punch & Judy | The Living Body |
Book of the Dead | Henry’s Hoard | Push Off | The Lone Electron |
Bootee | Herbert’s Dummy Run | Pusher | The Lost Children |
Boovie 2 | Hercules | Pyjamarama | The Lost Temple |
Bored Of The Rings | Here Be Tygers | Qang | The Lost World |
Bounder | Hero Quest | Quadracube, 3D | The Magic Isle |
Bounty Hunter | Hero Quest 2 | Quann Tulla | The Mapper |
Box Reloaded | Hide and Seek | Quantum Gardening | The Master |
Boxing Coach | High Steel | Quest For The Holy Joystick | The Menagerie |
Boxing Manager | Hob’s Hoard | Race Track | The Mines of Lithiad |
Boyd File | Hop ‘n’ Chop | Radiomania | The Miser |
Breakaway | Horace & the Spiders | Ragnablock | The Mummy’s Crypt |
Breakout | Horace Goes Skiing | Rakattak | The Muncher |
Brian The Dishonest… | Horace Goes to the Tower | Rally Driver | The Mystery of The Nile |
Brian The Novice Barbarian | Hostage | Ramire the Vampire 1 | The Nether Regions |
Bronx | Hotch Potch | Ramire the Vampire 2 | The Odyssey of Hope |
Bubble Buster | House on the Tor | Ramon Rodriguez | The Official Father Xmas Game |
Bugaboo the Flea | Howzat | Rapede | The Oppressed Land |
Bugsy | Hudson Hawk | Raymond Pringle | The Paranoia Complex |
Bulbo And The Lizard-King | Humphrey | Realm Of Darkness | The Pawns Of War |
Bunny | Humpty Dumpty 1 | Reckless Rufus | The Pendant of Logryn |
Burlish Adventure | Humpty Dumpty 2 | Redbeard’s Treasure | The Planets |
Bustout | Hungry Horace | Reflections | The Prodigy |
Butcher Hill | Hunter | Rescue | The Quest For The Holy Snail |
Buzzsaw+ | Hypa Raid | Rescue in the Gulf | The Real Stunt Experts |
Byte Me | Hyperlane | Revenge of the C5 | The Realm |
Cadaverion | Hyperlane+ | Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes | The Return of the Holy Joystick |
Cannibals from Outer Space | Hysteria | Revolver | The Secret of Little Hodcome |
Canyon Warrior | I Alien | Rex | The Secret Of St. Brides |
Cap’n Rescue | I Need Speed | Rhyme Cryme | The Sefton Manor Assignment |
Casanova | Ice Station Zero | Rik the Roadie | The Shard of Inovar |
Castle Adventure | iD | River Rescue | The Sillycon War |
Castle Quest | iLogicAll | Road Racers | The Slaughter Caves |
Catch 23 | I’m in Shock | Robin the Outlaw | The Smuggler |
Catwalk | Impact | Robore | The Snow Queen |
Caveman | Implosion | Robot Rumpus | The Song of Taliesin |
Cavemania | Impossamole | Rock ’N Roller | The Spore |
Caverns of Kontonia | In Search Of Angels | Rogue Comet | The Staff Of Power |
Celtic Carnage | Inca Curse | Romit | The Star Fly |
Centipede – Version 1 | Indoor Soccer | Ronnie Goes To Hollywood | The Survivors |
Centipede – Version 2 | Infernal Combustion | Room Ten | The Taxman Cometh |
Centipedes | International Rugby | Rugby Boss | The Three Lights of Glaurung |
Cerius | Into The Mystic | Run Bill Run | The Time Lords Amulet |
Chain Reaction | Invaders – Version 1 | Run for Gold | The Trader Trilogy |
Chambers of Death | Invaders – Version 2 | S.M.A.S.H.E.D. | The Train Game |
Championship Baseball | Invasion Force | Sabre Wulf | The Treasure Of Santa Maria |
Championship Sprint | Investigations | Saimazoom | The Trouble With Trolls |
Chequered Flag | Iron Soldier | Sam Stoat Safebreaker | The Tunnel |
Chess Tutor | Itemiada | Sam’s Unexcellent Adventure | The Twilight Zone |
Chinese Patience | Iythus | Samurai | The Unborn One |
Chopper Mission | Izzy Wizzy | Santa | The Valley |
City of Death | Jack And The Beanstalk | Sarlmoor | The Very Big Cave Adventure |
City Patrol | Jack in Magicland | Satcom | The Violator Of Voodoo |
Civil Service | Jack the Nipper | Savage | The Warlock’s Treasure |
Civil Service II | Jack the Nipper II | School | The Well Of Zol |
Classic Axiens | Japanese Monster Castle 3 | School 2 | The Wizard Of Oz |
Classic Invaders | Jason’s Gem | Scoop | The Wonderful Whotsit |
Classic Muncher | Jester Quest | Score 3020 | The Woods of Winter |
Cloud 99 | Jet Paco | Sea Battles | Theatre Europe |
Coliseum | Jetpac | Seahawk | Theme Park UK |
Colossus Chess 4 | Jet-Story | Seaside Sorcery | Theme Park USA |
Columns | Jigsaw | Secret Code | Theodore Can’t Fly |
Comando Tracer | JINJ 2: Belmonte’s Revenge | Sector | There’s a Hole in Your Bucket |
Combat Zone | Jock and the Time Rings | Sector Invasion | Thing Bounces Back |
Complica DX | Journey to the Centre… | Seekey | Three Weeks in Paradise |
Confused | Juggernaut | Se-Kaa of Assiah | Thro’ the Wall |
Confuzion | Julifrustris in the City | Sgt. Helmet Zero | Thunderturds |
Connect 4 | Jumble | Shaws III | Tiless |
Contact Sam Cruise | Jump | She Vampires | Time Machine |
Convoy Raider | Jungle Jie | Sheer Panic | Time Wreck |
Coracle | Jungle Warrior | Sherlock: A Matter of Evil | Timezone |
Corporal Stone | Just One Of Those Days | Sherwood Forest | Tinderbox |
Corsairs | Kaboom! | Ship of Doom | Titanic |
Cosa Nostra | Kentucky Racing | Shoot Redux | Toddler Trouble |
Cousin Horace – Introduction | Khazzad-Dum | Shoot-Out | Toilet Truble |
Crack City | Kick Off | Shove a Sledge | Tour de Force |
Crack-Up | Kidnap | Shuttlebug | Tower of Brahma |
Crawler | Kidnapped | Silhouette Colour Doodle | Tower of Evil |
Cray 5 | Kim | Silverwolf | Tracer Command |
Crazy Castles | Knight Life | Sir Ababol | Tracksuit Manager |
Crazy Er*Bert | Knight Lore | Sir Ababol 2 | Trailblazer |
Creatures And Caverns | Knight Tyme | Sir Ababol DX | Trailer 2 |
Creepy Dungeons | Knights & Demons DX | Sir Fred | Tranz Am |
Cricket-Crazy | Kobyashi Ag’Kwo | Sito Pons 500cc | Tridex |
Crossfire | Kobyashi Naru | Skate Crazy | Trom |
Cuddles | Kong’s Revenge | Skatin’ USA | Trooper: Point 5 |
Curse of the Seven Faces | Krakout | Skittles | Tuareg |
Cybex | Labour Pains | Skool Daze | Turbo Girl |
Cyrox | Labyrynth | Slubberdegullion | Turbo the Tortoise |
Cyrus IS Chess | Lala Lah | Snake | Turtle Timewarp |
Dandy | Lala Prologue | Snake Byte | Tusker |
Dark Castle | Larry the Lemming | Snare | T’was a Time of Dread |
Dark Fusion | Laserwarp | Snoball in Hell | Twilight |
Dark Star | Laskar’s Crystal | Snookered | Twinz! |
Davy Jones Locker | Laskar’s Return | Snow Joke | Twister |
Daylight Robbery | Lazy Jones | Soccer Boss | Type-Rope |
Dead or Alive | League Football | Soccer Challenge | Ulises |
Deadly Labyrinth of Lord Xyrx | Leopold The Minstrel | Soccer Cup Quizmaster | Ultimate Warrior |
Deadly Mission | Lifeboat | Soccer Star | Underwurlde |
Death Before Dishonour | Lifeline | Soccer Supremo | Urban |
Death Chess 5000 | Lifeterm | Sokoban | Uwol, Quest for Money |
Deek’s Deeds | Lightmare | Solar Fire | Vampire’s Empire |
Deep Strike | Limelight | Sophistry | Vendetta |
Defender | Livingstone II | SOS Rescue | Venom |
Deflektor | Livingstone, I Presume | Space 7 | Venturama |
Demigod | Loads of Midnight | Space Crusade | Vikings |
Demonslair | Loco Bingo | Space Raiders | Vixen |
Desert Island | Loose Ends | Space Warrior | Vulcan |
Desert Rats | Los Amores de Brunilda | Spawn of Evil | W*H*B |
Desmond And Gertrude | Lost In Time | Special Intergalactic Painter | W.A.R. |
Devil Diver | Luna Atac | Specman | Wanted – Monty Mole |
Devilish Autocrash | Lunar Jetman | Spectrum Chess | WC Boxing Manager |
Dex | Lunar Rescue | Spectrum Chess II | Weaver Of Her Dreams |
Diablo! | Mad Dash | Spectrum Micro Chess | Wells & Fargo |
Dilithium Lift | Mad Flunky | Spectrum Says | Wheelie |
Discs of Death | Mad Mix Game | Spectrum Voice Chess | Who Dares Wins II |
Disposable Heroes | Maglaxians | Speed Duel | Whopper Chase |
Doctor What! | Magma Man | Spellbound | Why Is… |
Dodge’Ums | Magnetic Moon | Spindizzy | Willy the Wasp |
Dogmole Tuppowski | Man About The House | Spirits | Willy the Wasp 2 |
Dollars in the Dust | Mansion Quest | Spitfire 40 | Wind Surfer |
Dominator | Mariano the Dragon | Splat! | Winter Term |
Dominetris | Marie Celeste Adventure | Splattr | Witch Hunt |
Doombase | Maritrini Monster Slayer | Spooky Castle | Witchfiend |
Double Agent | Marooned | Stage Coach | Wizard Quest – The Guide |
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde | Martian Knock Out | Stainless Steel | Wolfman |
Dragon Quest | Masterchess | Stalker | World Class Leaderboard |
Dragonia | Match Point | Stamp Quest | World Cup Football |
Draughts | Matchmaker | Star Dragon | World Heavyweight Boxing |
Driller Tanks | Maziacs | Star Flaws | Wunderchar$ |
Drunk Policeman | Mega-Apocalypse | Star Paws | X=Y=Z |
Dung Darach | Meganova – The Weapon | Star Pilot | Xenon |
Dungeons of Maldread | Meltdown | Star Swallow | X-Mas Ludo |
D’Veel’Ng | Merhownie’s Light | Star Wreck | Xtroth – The Adventure |
Earth Defence | Metabolis | Starbuster | Yeti |
Earthshock | Metal Man Reloaded | Stardust | Zaraks |
Easy Peasy Adventure | Metalyx | Starfox | ZEN |
Eclipse | Meteoroids | Starion | ZEN II |
Egghead | Micro Olympics | Starship Mulvaney | Zen Quest |
Egghead 2 | Microball | Starship Quest | Zig Zag |
Egghead 3 | Microfair Madness | Stop the Express | Zombie Calavera Prologue |
Egghead 4 | Millimon | Stormbringer | Zulu Wars |
Egghead 5 | Mindstone | Stranded | ZX Adventure |
Eights | Mini Adventure | Stranded 2.5 | ZX Columns |
El Stompo | Missile | Strangers from Outer Space | ZX Mines |
Electra 9000 | Missile Command | Street Sports Basketball | ZX Mines 2 |
Elfindor | Mission X | Strike Force Cobra | ZX Spectrum Golf |
Eliminator | Moggy | Striker Manager | ZZZZ |
Thanks to onmode-ky for the heads-up about the game list forum posting.
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