This is a quick unboxing of the ultimate writer’s indulgence, The Ernest Hemingway Freewrite Signature Edition, aka The “Hemingwrite,” from Astrohaus. It’s a branded, upscale version of the Freewrite with a polished aluminum chassis and green keycaps with the same excellent Cherry MX Brown switches and heavy base.
As an owner of the original Freewrite and Freewrite Traveler, I have a lot of experience with the Astrohaus platform dating back to 2017. Conceptually, it’s a modern interpretation of a digital typewriter that saves your work both locally and to various cloud services (including email) and is meant as a simplified, distraction-free writing device. You’re meant to type and not worry about editing, which you can do later on a more traditional computing device.
While all of these devices are relatively expensive, I feel that most writers are used to occasional indulgences. Whether it’s finding the perfect keyboard, software, pen, paper, chair, desk, etc., there is definitely something to the concept of your environment and tools making it “easier” to write, even if it’s purely psychological. I know I’ve indulged myself time and again with such things, and really, if it produces results, why not? In other words, if you’re a writer, get out there and write, then write some more any way that you’re able to!

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